Providing The Highest Of Quality Services Since 1950

Since the inception of Camcast, we have had pride in not only providing the highest standard of products, but also, ensuring that every single customer is given the highest quality of service and support available.

We're fortunate to work with fantastic clients from around Australia on their many foundry based requirements.

Our Approach

Every single day we work tirelessly to be a knowledgeable and trusted foundry, and this will continue on for many generations.

Our Mission

To provide the highest standard of foundry based products and services possible to our customers every single day.

No Job Is Too Big Or
Hard For Us To Complete

No matter what kind of jobs you require completed through foundry based services, our team at Camcast is ready to help you get the job done! Get in conatct with us to discuss your unique needs and how we can support you further.
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Family Owned & Operated

The Rath family have been the proud owners and operators of Camcast for the past 30 years.

Camcast has been operating in a semi industrial area at Kirrawee in the Sutherland Shire since 1950, and since 1990’s Mark Rath has been the director of the business which has now become highly respected and trusted as one of New South Wales leading foundries.

While also further establishing Camcast, Mark has also been a knowledgable teacher for TAFE NSW teaching foundry based classes (moulding and core making) which shows he is not just knowledgeable of his own business, but the industry as a whole.